STAR² Center Original Resources

The following tools and resources were created as part of the STAR² Center’s work to bring solutions, training, and assistance for recruitment and retention to the country’s health centers. Would you like to learn more about these resources or recommend topics for future resources and training? Please contact us!


ACU & STAR² Center Key Informant Interview Report

STAR² Center 2017 National Recruitment and Retention Data Summary

STAR² Center Report 2017 – Interviews with the Field: Best Practices and Current Challenges

STAR² Center Report 2017 – Provider Mix and Staffing Ratios

STAR² Center Report 2017 – Training Opportunities in Health Centers

STAR² Center Report 2018 – Health Center Provider Workforce & Financial Health

STAR² Center and Capital Link – Financial and Workforce Characteristics of High-Performing Health Centers

Best Practices for Adapting to the Remote and Hybrid Workforce in Team-Based Care

The Emotional Toll of Caring for Others: A Factsheet on Supporting Staff Mental Health Through Compensation Equity and Inclusive Benefits

ACU STAR² Center Report 2019 – Assessment of Health Professions Training at Health Centers

Perspectives from the Field: Retaining Medical Assistants and Dental Assistants

STAR² Center – Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value: Establishing Pay Equity Principles to Advance Workforce Financial Wellness

Working with Minority-Serving Institutions to Enhance and Diversify Recruitment Pathways

The Growing Provider Shortage: Building the Case for Developing an HP-ET Program


Recruitment & Retention Data Profile Information Center

STAR² Center Online Course Library

Self-Assessment Tool Resource Center

R&R Plan Template Resource Center

STAR² Center Newsletter Archive

STAR² Center Informational Blurbs

Workforce Self-Care Resource Repository

Workforce Planning Resource Repository



ACU & STAR² Center Video Channel

Definition of a Comprehensive Workforce Plan

Health Center Onboarding Checklist

Health Center Workforce Core Components

Implementing Staff Satisfaction Surveys Infographic

Pay Equity Checklist

Self-Care for the Health Center Workforce Checklist

STAR² Center Coffee Talk – Financial Assessment Tool

STAR² Center Flyer – About Us

STAR² Center Flyer – Resource Center

STAR² Center Flyer – Data Profiles & TA

STAR² Center Flyer – Original Resources

STAR² Center Talks Workforce Success Podcast

  • Season 1 – Chief Workforce Officers
  • Season 2 – COVID-19
  • Season 3 – Employee Self-Care
  • Season 4 – Assessing and Addressing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue


ACU Self-Assessment Tool

STAR² Center Financial Assessment for Provider Turnover Tool

STAR² Center HP-ET Financial Impact Assessment Tool

STAR² Center Burnout Assessment Tool

STAR² Center Compensation Assessment Tool

STAR² Center Turnover Calculator Tool

STAR² Center Best Practice Form

ACU – Health Center Comprehensive Workforce Plan Template

STAR² Center Flyer – Getting  Started

STAR² Center – The Making of a Chief Workforce Officer

STAR² Center – Strategic Workforce Planning Workbook

STAR² Center – Chief Workforce Officer Toolkit

STAR² Center – Building an Inclusive Organization Toolkit

STAR² Center PCA TTA Self-Assessment

STAR² Center Manager Training Toolkit

Organizational Leadership and Resiliency Toolkit

C-Suite Toolkit: Health Professions Education and Training for Recruitment and Retention


View our training calendar for our full schedule of events!

STAR² Center – Using ACU’s Self Assessment Tool to Identify Your Workforce Needs

STAR² Center – Exploring and Using the Recruitment & Retention Plan Template Webinar Series

STAR² Center – Compensation Strategy Webinar Series

STAR² Center – Administrative Strategies to Reduce Burnout

STAR² Center On-Site TA Sessions 2018

Webinar – Introducing the STAR² Center Strategic Workforce Planning Workbook

PCA & HCCN Workforce Professional Development Series 2018-2019

STAR² Center – Burnout 201 Webinar Series

STAR² Center Talks Compensation Planning Webinar Series

PCA & HCCN Workforce Professional Development Series 2019-2020

STAR² Center Turnover Tool Webinar Series

STAR² Center Data Profile Dashboard Launch Webinar – 2019

PCA & HCCN Workforce Professional Development Series 2020-2021

Mitigating Burnout and Maintaining Provider Satisfaction During Vaccination Rollouts – Webinar Series – 2021

Building an Inclusive Organization Webinar Series – 2021

Clinician Perspectives on Racism in the Healthcare Workforce

Special Considerations for the Retention and Recruitment of Mental Health Providers Series – 2021

Managing in the Time of COVID-19 & Beyond Webinar Series – 2021

Using Your Data Profile Dashboard Webinar Series – 2021

Building Back Better: Utilizing Lessons Learned During COVID-19 for Inclusivity and Retention – 2021

PCA & HCCN Workforce Professional Development Series 2021-2022

Self-Care is Quality Care: Resiliency for Mental Health Providers – 2021

Finding a Way Forward: Retaining & Recruiting Medical Assistants and Dental Assistants in the Changing Workforce Landscape – 2022

The ACE-15 Survey Tool: Measuring “Teamness” In Your Organization – 2022

Creating an Organizational Culture of Resilience to Manage Stress and Burnout in Health Center Teams – 2022

Health Center Leadership’s Role in Team Building and Stress Management for a Resilient Workforce – 2022

Webinar – Strategies to Provide Productive Feedback to Your Employees

Building HP-ET Programs – Webinar Series – 2022

STAR² Center 2022-2023 Workforce Professional Development Series

Compensation Equity for the Mental Health Workforce

Introducing the Organizational Leadership and Resiliency Toolkit

Trauma-Informed Leadership Webinar

Communicating Across Generations

Retention & Recruitment of Specific Populations – Session 1

Retention & Recruitment of Specific Populations – Session 2

Preparing Mental Health Leaders

Coaching and Mentoring

2023 Virtual Biennial Workforce Summit

Considerations for Implementing and Responding to Staff Satisfaction Surveys

Leadership Training for Clinical Staff – Leading a Diverse Staff

Compensation Wellness & Equity: An Employer’s Responsibility to Ensure Fair Wages and Financial Stability for All

Empowering Comprehensive Care: Recruiting & Retaining the Integrated Care Team

Employee-Focused Career Pathways: Supporting the Full Scope of Talent in the Mental Health Workforce

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