More people are working from home than ever before, and job hunters are asking employers for the flexibility to choose their own workspace. But remote work means remote interviews. Here’s everything you need to know about virtual interviews and starting a new job online.
View moreRecruitment
STAR² Center Recruitment Boot Camp – Spring 2022
Having a documented, comprehensive recruitment plan is vital to recruitment success at a health center. During this learning collaborative, participants will spend one hour every other week in a mix of webinars, discussion, and assignments to complete an overhaul of their recruitment processes. Starting with a self-assessment and planning...
View moreFinding a Way Forward: Retaining & Recruiting MAs & DAs in the Changing Workforce Landscape – Pt. 2
This session took place on February 3, 2022, as the second session in the two-part series, Finding a Way Forward: Retaining & Recruiting Medical Assistants and Dental Assistants in the Changing Workforce Landscape. This session focuses on Dental Assistants and features guest speakers from the National Network for Oral...
View moreFinding a Way Forward: Retaining & Recruiting MAs & DAs in the Changing Workforce Landscape – Pt. 1
This session took place on February 1, 2022, as the first session in the two-part series, Finding a Way Forward: Retaining & Recruiting Medical Assistants and Dental Assistants in the Changing Workforce Landscape. This session focuses on Medical Assistants and features guest speakers from the National Institute for Medical...
View moreSTAR² Center – Definition of a Comprehensive Workforce Plan
This document provides a definition of a comprehensive workforce plan that has been reviewed and approved by the Bureau of Primary Health Care. The robust definition is followed by the essential components that health centers can use as part of their ongoing workforce planning issues. This dynamic document should...
View moreTopics in Retention & Recruitment Planning and Implementation Two-Day Workshop
**This workshop was previously planned as an in-person event. The workshop will now be held virtually to ensure the greater accessibility to health center teams while adhering to public health precautions.** Having an engaged and thriving workforce requires careful planning and the execution of effective retention and recruitment efforts....
View moreChecklist for Administrators, Managers, and Clinicians to Integrate Community Health Workers in Vaccine Outreach, Acceptance, and Distribution Strategies
Community Health Workers (CHWs) have played a key role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is essential that health center administrators, managers, and care teams understand how to effectively leverage the skills and experience of CHWs and adequately support and prepare them for this work. This...
View more2020 Recruitment Boot Camp
Description: From September through December, participants will spend one hour every other week in a mix of webinars, discussion, and projects to complete an overhaul of their recruitment processes. Starting with a self-assessment and planning all the way through contracting, this series will provide guidance, tools, and templates for...
View moreSTAR² Center 19-20 PCA & HCCN Professional Development Series – Session 3
This is the third session in the STAR² Center’s 2019-2020 PCA & HCCN Professional Development Series. It was presented on March 19, 2020. The STAR² Center team was joined on the line by Amanda Schiessl of Community Health Center, Inc. who discussed the importance of staff experience from the...
View moreSTAR² Center 19-20 PCA & HCCN Professional Development Series – Session 2
This is the second session in the STAR² Center’s 2019-2020 PCA & HCCN Professional Development Series. It was presented on February 20, 2020 and featured the STAR² Center’s Suzanne Speer discussing the importance of including retention in recruitment strategies. Judd Mellinger-Blouch of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers...
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