Health Center Onboarding Checklist

The Health Center Onboarding Checklist (HCOC) has been designed by the STAR² Center to provide a structure and a process for welcoming and integrating new hires at your organization. The tool begins with a background on onboarding and its components including: why it is important, how it bridges recruitment...

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STAR² Center Recruitment Boot Camp – Spring 2023

Description: Having a documented, comprehensive recruitment plan is vital to recruitment success at a health center. During this learning collaborative, participants will spend seventy-five minutes every other week in a mix of webinars, discussion, and assignments to complete an overhaul of their recruitment processes. Starting with a self-assessment and...

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STAR² Center C-Suite Learning Network: A Financial Planning Learning Collaborative for Leadership Creating HP-ET Programs

Calling all health center C-Suite Leadership! As health centers face unprecedented workforce challenges, it is critical that they step into the role of fostering tomorrow’s health care professionals. Health Professions Education and Training (HP-ET) is an integral part of preparing health centers to face the changing workforce landscape. Join...

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Organizational Leadership and Resiliency Toolkit

The last several years have challenged everyone’s capacity for resiliency, or the capacity to recover from difficulty quickly. This toolkit will connect organization leaders with the understanding and strategies they need to support the health and wellbeing of their workforce and address some of the structural problems plaguing the...

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The Emotional Toll of Caring for Others: A Factsheet on Supporting Staff Mental Health Through Compensation Equity and Inclusive Benefits

One of the most crucial roles health center leadership plays is taking care of the wellbeing and mental health of all staff, including their own. While mental health challenges among the healthcare workforce is not a new phenomenon, the COVID-19 pandemic and other societal and traumatic events only served...

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