Workforce Planning Resource Repository

As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), “health systems can only function with health workers; improving health service coverage and realizing the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is dependent on their availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality.” (Source: World Health Organization) The importance...

Topic Tags: Recruitment , Retention
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Building HP-ET Programs – Webinar Series

Interested in creating or expanding a Health Professions Education & Training (HP-ET) program at your health center? Are you looking for a way to ramp up your recruiting of clinical care providers by partnering with teaching and training programs? Then join ACU’s STAR² Center for our webinar series on...

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Retention & Recruitment Planning Workshop – Spring 2022

Having an engaged and thriving workforce requires careful planning and the execution of effective retention and recruitment efforts. Join the STAR²  Center team following the Workforce Symposium – Going Beyond Buzzwords: Striving for a Thriving Workforce, for this two-day interactive training specifically designed for health center teams to jump-start the...

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