This AHRQ brief highlights early observations from 13 research projects that incorporate the use of health IT in their programs to improve care for patients with chronic diseases and focus on the following implementation consideration.
View moreWorkforce
NCOA Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
The National Council on Aging promotes Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs (CDSMP) to help older adults better manage their chronic conditions, improve their quality of life, and lower health care costs. See this site for more information and to find a CDSMP near you.
View moreSTAR² Center Data Profile User Guide
The STAR² Center created individual health center recruitment and retention Data Profiles Dashboards to help identify and quantify workforce need. Each health center CEO received information on how to log in and access their organization’s confidential Data Profile Dashboard. This user guide was designed as a companion document for...
View moreNACHC – Increasing the Workforce Capacity of Health Centers: Reimbursement and Scope of Practice
Policy issues that health center providers face in caring for Medicaid and uninsured patients include the difficulty in securing funding for services provided by appropriately trained team members that are often non-billable or included in their payment rates and statutes that limit primary health care team members from practicing...
View moreCHWS Oral Health Workforce Research Center
Access to oral health care has become a growing concern over the past decade. Despite efforts to improve the oral health of the nation’s population, oral health disparities persist. These disparities are characterized by compromised oral health status, particularly among certain vulnerable populations. One of the factors believed to...
View moreNNOHA How Can a Dental Hygienist Improve Access and Productivity in Your Community Health Center?
This resource, created in partnership with the American Dental Hygiene Association, outlines the various functions and roles that dental hygienists can play in Community Health Centers.
View moreNNOHA Analysis of 2013 Health Center Oral Health Provider Recruitment, Retention, and Job Satisfaction Survey Results
As part of a Cooperative Agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Network for Oral Health Access worked with Baylor College of Dentistry in 2013 to develop and administer a survey of Health Center oral health providers and executive directors. The purpose of the survey was...
View moreNNOHA Operations Manual for Health Center Oral Health Programs: Chapter 5 – Workforce
This chapter provides helpful tools and resources for tackling the issues related to workforce, and addresses the following questions: What are the recommended staffing and equipment ratios? What staffing models are applicable for Health Center oral health programs? What are some recruitment strategies for Health Center oral health programs?...
View moreACU Key Informant Interview Report
In building the STAR² Center, The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) sought to learn about the work that other organizations were already doing to address clinician workforce issues, and talk to known experts in the field about recruitment and retention challenges, opportunities, and needs. The group of...
View moreHRSA The Future of the Nursing Workforce: National- and State-Level Projections, 2012-2025
The brief presents projections for the supply and demand of registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPNs) for the entire U.S. in 2025. The brief also includes a summary of the importance of RNs and LPNs in the healthcare delivery system, types of services provided and the settings...
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