Supporting An Effective Workforce: Working with Health Center Staff that Exist at the Intersection of Different Identities / Apoyando Una Fuerza Laboral Efectiva: Trabajando con Personal que Existen a la Intersección de Diferentes Identidades

Join the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) STAR² Center program, in partnership with Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation and Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN), for a three-part webinar series focused on the retention and recruitment of specific populations in the workforce. This webinar series will feature subject matter experts who will address the workforce needs of individuals with a history of intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence, harassment, or other forms of trauma; those with lived experiences as migrant and seasonal agricultural workers; and formerly incarcerated individuals. Throughout the three sessions, participants will learn more about the critical importance of building trauma-informed organizations; prioritizing justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (JEDI-B); and ensuring that employees have access to stigma-free workplaces. Through the generous support of our partners, this webinar series will also offer Spanish language and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation. Join us and learn how to best support a thriving, mission-driven workforce that exists at the intersection of different identities and lived experiences

Acompaña al programa del STAR² Center de la Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU), en asociación con Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation y Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN), para una serie de tres seminarios web centrados en la retención y el reclutamiento de poblaciones específicas en la fuerza laboral. La serie presentara expertos que avanzan el conocimiento sobre las necesidades de empleados con un historial de violencia de pareja, violencia sexual, acoso, y otras formas de trauma; migrantes y trabajadores agricultores; y personas anteriormente encarceladas. Participantes aprenderán la importancia de construir organizaciones informadas sobre el trauma; que priorizan la justicia, equidad, diversidad, inclusión, y pertenencia; y luchan contra el estigma. Con el generoso apoyo de nuestros socios, esta serie de seminarios web se ofrecerán con interpretación en español y el lenguaje de señas americano. Aprenda a apoyar a una fuerza laboral diversa que existe a la intersección de diferentes identidades y experiencias.

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