Nurse Practitioners (NPs) play an important role in expanding the supply of primary care workforce and access to primary health care. As the NP workforce continues to grow and evolve, focus on burnout prevention and workplace satisfaction is imperative to continue to recruit and retain health center providers. The...
View moreNurse Practitioners
Nurse Practitioners
Mitigating Burnout and Maintaining Provider Satisfaction During Vaccination Rollouts – Session 2
This is the second session in our three part series. It was recorded on April 7, 2021, and focused on strategies to support provider satisfaction among nurses in the pandemic workplace. Click here to access the slides from this session. Click here to access other sessions in this series.
View moreSTAR² Center Burnout 201 Series – Session 3
This session was presented on April 25, 2019, as the third session in the STAR² Center’s Burnout 201 Webinar Series. Cheryl Fattibene, Chief Nurse Practitioner Officer at the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, discussed high performing teams and how employee satisfaction affects turnover. Click here to access the slides from...
View moreMTSU – Regulating Supply in an Era of High Demand: Nursing Scope of Practice and Patient Access to Care
This webinar was produced by the Montana State University Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies. Michael R. Richards, MD, PhD, MPH, will be discussing the influence of scope of practice laws targeting nurses on 21st century health care delivery. He will provide a brief overview of the state of...
View moreNWRPCA Webinar – Training the Next Generation, Transforming Primary Care
A webinar focused on nurse practitioner residency programs as part of a tranformation of primary care.
View moreNACHC – Increasing the Workforce Capacity of Health Centers: Reimbursement and Scope of Practice
Policy issues that health center providers face in caring for Medicaid and uninsured patients include the difficulty in securing funding for services provided by appropriately trained team members that are often non-billable or included in their payment rates and statutes that limit primary health care team members from practicing...
View moreNNCC Nurse Practitioner Prescribing Laws Map
Nurse practitioners (NPs) are essential to the delivery of health care in the United States. In some states, NPs can practice with to the full extent of their license; delivering services they have trained to provide without mandatory involvement from a physician. In other states, NPs need a practice...
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