Ah, the agonies and ecstasies of applying data strategies to smaller organizations! Yes, the use cases of this kind of data are definitely different between smaller and larger organizations. I’ve found the best approach is to spend some time with your goals for using data at all. Are you interested in using the workforce data to find identifiable retention issues? Are you doing it to be able to better tell your story, either internally or externally? Are you doing it to improve communication and opportunities for engagement? Are you doing it actually for recruitment purposes, so you can be clear about what it’s like to work there? The goal you have will help you identify which data points are most relevant to your organization and how you might use them. Your personal relationships and knowledge will always be the most important thing with such a close working environment; the data is just there to help you do things like communicate about what you see/know. So give the goal issue some thought, and once you have that clear, we can talk through specific data points or strategies that might be most helpful in your case.

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