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This topic has 9 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by Stephanie Leonard.

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    • Because UMC is so small we haven’t really used or thought HR Metrics would help in analyzing our recruitment costs. I love to hear what other organizations are using and how they find the metrics beneficial.

    • Actually we have never analyzed our recruitment costs. Now looking at it, it seems like this would be a good idea even if we are a smaller organization.

      • Katrina – Yes, HR Metrics will help in any size organization. Pick one or two to focus on for 2019.

    • As far as I’m aware, my organization has not analyzed recruitment costs. In fact, in our budget, Recruitment is lumped in with Retention… Yeah, that’s gonna change for the next fiscal year…

      • Kristin – Good to hear! Having the real costs broken down allows you to see where you may want to cut or save more on what is not working and possibly increase the budget where it works.

    • On a yearly base, we will ask Finance Department to provide the total recruitment expenses for the year. Creating HR metrics will be the goal in the future.

      • Annie – HR Metrics can really tell a story of your workforce. Yes, I would encourage you to start off 2019 collecting them. Pick just one or two to start with.

    • At this time we don’t utilize any HR Metrics. I keep some information in spreadsheets but have not analyzed it. I track outside advertising (job postings) costs, but other than informing our CFO of our expenses, we don’t have a budget. High dollar advertising costs are simply approved by our Director or CFO.
      I could do a time to fill report, but have not had time to analyze the data I do track. The spreadsheet I maintain includes the date at which a job is opened; the applicants’ status in the hiring process; how they heard about the job; and the hired employee’s start date. I do the best I can in obtaining accurate data, but it is time consuming to maintain a spreadsheet rather than utilizing an Applicant Tracking System.

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