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This topic has 11 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by Denise Highfill.

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    • My team challenge was to audit all credentialing files by Sept. 29th- team has audited the files and is now working on missing information that needs to be in the file. When I started the HR group was not working as a team helping each other. This is the thing I am most proud of plus knowing that all the credentialing files will be complete.

      The challenge I have now is learning as much and as fast as I can about the National Practitioner Data Bank. When to report a provider, how to if need be, and all the other entities that things like that would need to be reported such as Board of Healing Arts, insurance, etc. (I did not have the background of FQHCs)

      • I previously did not have any experience with credentialing medical staff. Having being recently promoted to a Manager position, the health center was scheduled for a site visit in May 2015, I too was tasked to bring all the credentialing files up to date. This was an area of concern because during the last site visit the department was was dinged for incomplete files. I was able, with the assistance of an intern, obtain missing information.

        The challenge is that I am the only person in the department. I am responsible for all aspects of Human Resources within the center. We are currently expanding and it is becoming more and more difficult to manage the entire department with out assistance, professional development, etc.

    • My most recent accomplishment that I am personally proud of is I became a certified professional coach.

      I am also a one man band in Human Resources. Credentialing was also a challenge, but slowly getting my arms around it and what it means. I think the physician shortage in our area is my biggest challenge.

    • I am proud of the fact that I have been able to serve on the Executive Team of the health centers where I worked. It is gratifying that the CEOs of these organizations value the importance of HR having a ‘seat at the table.’

      A recent challenge is that the health center where I currently work had their HRSA site visit last Fall. We were dinged on credentialing. This was dismaying because during the prior site visit, credentialing passed with flying colors. Nothing in the process or requirements changed. The HR Team worked hard to clean things up and create an entirely new process that has been hardwired and met HRSA’s expectations.

    • I am proud of creating an organized credentialing system for a previous FQHC employer. I shared this system with my current employer’s HR manager. She greatly impressed the OSV surveyor with the organization of her credentialing files on our recent site visit. The HR manager was so thrilled!

      We don’t have any real challenges hiring mid-level providers, but we are having a very difficult time finding physician replacements for our retirees.

    • Anonymous

      I’ve been doing credentialing for our CHC for more than 10 years and in that the time we’ve been surveyed by HRSA 3 times (most recent in August ’17) and all 3 times we passed the requirements. I’ve had to incorporate provider recruitment more than 7 years ago and while it’s been challenging as it has been busy in the recruiting world and then that turns into busy times for credentialing, it has also allowed me to more present in both departments for provider candidates to navigate through our system as painlessly as possible. Also helps in selecting quality candidates to reduce turnover. I think I’ve nailed credentialing, but recruitment is ever-evolving and definitely that is my challenge to be more and do more and in many cases with less resources. Most of the time, I am a 1-woman band with these 2 departments and definitely feel isolated, so I’m happy to have a network to go to for questions and to help other like-minded individuals.

    • As an HR Professional, I am proud of my SHRM-SCP certification as well as my efforts in developing a centralized HR department. As far as challenges go, unfortunately for our organization, they are in abundance. We are experiencing a season of challenges in workforce development, recruiting of physicians, and financial challenges.

    • As a Human Resources department over the last two years we have improved streamlining the recruitment, onboarding, and credentialing processes. Our challenges as an organization are overall retention and Family Physician Recruitment.

    • I am proud that I have made significant progress in sourcing strong candidates in my less than 2 months with Norwalk Community Health Center. I have also made inroads with understanding the organization and with gaining the confidence of all stakeholders – line staff, providers, management & the board.
      Turnover is a challenge for NCHC. It has climbed each of the past few years and we are currently at almost 40% for 2017. On top of that general issue, our Clinical Lead for Pediatrics just stepped down from the Lead role, our Clinical Lead for Adult Medicine (and another FT Adult Medicine provider) will be on maternity leave starting March 2018 and our CMO (who currently serves as a 0.5FTE clinician in Adult Medicine) has submitted her resignation effective December 2017.

    • I am proud that over the past six years I have taken the HR department from one file cabinet drawer to a full fledged department. There may only be one person in the department but that does not matter. I would say this is also my challenge because not everyone gets the need for HR, until something happens.

    • I’m proud to be able to recruit for a small, rural health center. It is gratifying when we score wonderful staff who are willing to drive to the mountains to care for the community. You must be mission driven. A dedicated HR/Compliance Officer is a new (just one year) position for our organization so there adjustments to be made by all staff but we’re getting there.

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