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This topic has 28 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by Lori Kelly.

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    • I feel strong in screening applications, but am challenged by getting a good read on a candidate through phone interviews.

    • I feel that I am strong in writing interview questions as well as in-person interviews. I am challenged by finding candidates and am not confident in the aspect of reccruiting that can sometimes come across as “used car salesman” (as my experience as a recruitee in the past). At my last position I encouraged my HR Director to take the job and was a bit pushy b/c I felt that we would make a good team; his employment ended very badly and I have had recruiter’s guilt over it. It makes me wary of the process.

    • I feel I am strong in the selection process. I’ve learned by one simple question “what is the one thing you wish you could change at your current/previous employer”. This question usually will get a good pulse on why they are looking to leave their current/previous role. If you ask them why they are leaving, they usually are not honest.

      • I love that interview question. I think those answers would give you some great information regarding the applicant.

      • Torrey, what a great interview question that encourages the candidate to speak up!

    • I feel the challenge is scheduling interviews on Monday’s. I’ve noticed we have more no call no shows on Monday’s than any other day of the week.

    • I believe I am strong at collecting documents and has been always on top of my work when it comes to scheduling for interviews. And since I don’t have a lot of experience in screening, I would say that it is one of my weakness.

    • I feel that I am strong in following up on good leads and working hard to set up interviews/advertising for openings. I can get overwhelmed by the hiring process for providers when we are not receiving any qualified applicants and a looming vacancy is upon our organization. It is an up hill battle – where do we look next, who do we advertise with now, can we afford it?

    • I feel strong in organizing recruitment activities such as career fairs, postings that drive leads to application. I find challenge in recruiting providers (physicians, NPs) that are bilingual English/Chinese.

    • I feel that I am strong in identifying good applicants and scheduling the interviews. I find it a challenge in recruiting providers with out considering the locums option.

    • I feel strong in reviewing applicant resumes/applications and selecting them for initial interviews but I tend to struggle with actually getting the providers to choose us based on what the area has to offer.

    • I think having the right partnerships is key as well. In the past few years we’ve developed great partnerships with area schools that allows us to have access to their upcoming graduates as a potential pool or employees.

      • Anonymous

        Those partnerships can definitely be key to developing a pipeline of great candidates!

        • It was great meeting you last week in Shreveport. Hope all is well at home.

    • I am good at the technology-side and resume review and I think that I am struggling with finding candidates to apply. We really need spanish speaking people to better serve our patients.

    • I feel that as a Human Resources Specialist I have the ability to empower, lead and develop employees. When I am recruiting candidates I am always reminded that everyone starts at the beginning and that is my duty to help inspire and motivate these individuals. It humbles me to realize how much I learn from guiding them to where they perform best naturally. I believe strongly that a well developed personality profile can help people to find their own authentic path and passion.

      I am also an E-YRT 200 (Yoga instructor). The passion for teaching and doing yoga enables me to remain present, mindful and centered to help those around me.

    • I feel the challenges are trying to find the required time to develop some of the candidates who express interest in continuing their growth progress and spending the necessary time with them to help with this process.

    • I feel strong in communication with candidates once I am interviewing/meeting them. I feel most challenged in trying to recruit people to our rural locations because there isn’t many options for shopping/activities.

      • I completely agree with that challenge. People look at the map of Alaska and think we’re not that far from Anchorage, and then are shocked when I tell them that we’re 4 hours from the airport…

        • Anonymous

          Kristin, I can only imagine that challenge! I was speaking to a health center CEO in a very remote location – 3 hours from the closest major airport – and she said her biggest challenge was getting them there. Once they were there, she could sell them on the community, but sometimes getting them there for the interview was tough.

    • I feel strong in finding the perfect candidate for whatever job title I am currently recruiting for . I feel my challenge is that I am limiting myself (to Indeed/Company Websites) and not using all of the tools and resources to find the perfect candidates or get out more as in doing career fairs, etc. I also feel my challenge is time when recruiting, rushing when finding the perfect candidate I believe this creates less time to actually find someone who could have been the perfect fit and gave the company longevity.

      • Anonymous

        Nahja – I am sure others feel this as well! We’ll go over some great places to source candidates coming up a bit later in RBC!

    • I am most challenged by time management or lack thereof! Lots of irons in the fire and not enough hands. This is impacting the ability to respond in a timely fashion which might result in a missed opportunity. I feel good about our presentation to the candidate both over the phone and in person.

    • I am most challenged by effectively communicating the job responsibilities to the candidate because I do not have much experience in the health care field. I feel that I’m strong in reviewing resumes and selecting the ideal candidates for interviews.

    • I am challenged by writing creative, eye-catching job ads, but once I start receiving applications I feel strong in selecting candidates for interview and identifying unique abilities and undesirable personality traits.

      • Anonymous

        We’ll work on writing a “catchy” ad later in this course. I am sure you’ll get some great ideas from other members of the cohort as well!

    • My challenge would be creating the job ad’s. I am always afraid that I may miss something that could make a difference in the applicants decision to apply. I do feel strong when it comes to selecting the most qualified applicants.

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