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This topic has 19 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by Ann Feil.

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    • I have used GoToMeeting but not Skype, Face Time or Zoom for interviews

    • I have used Skype.

    • Normally our Medical or Dental Director do the initial phone call. Then after their thumbs up & depending on schedules of the candidate & when the interview team participation is at the maximum- we hold a formal interview by bringing the candidate in with some key team participants calling in via Zoom. We have done the next interview on Zoom if we have a handful of candidates screened by the Directors to narrow the playing field before we bring in the top candidate or two.

    • We have used Skype, Zoom, and GoToMeeting. We generally only utilize these technologies when doing initial provider interviews. After this round, our preference is to bring the provider in to see our location and do in-person interviews with the rest of the team.

      • Those tools do work well for initial interviews. Later in the series we will discuss the on-site process and how to make it a successful site visit. Thank you for sharing.

    • No, however because of the organizations logistical locations all sites are connect via an in house CISCO video system.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Brianna! I am interested in how you use your in-house video system. Do you all use the video system to conduct interviews with other members of the team that are off-site?

        • Hello Suzanne,

          Yes the system is used almost daily for interviews across our organization this helps with cost and travel time. Also we use the video set up almost every hour of the business day for: business meetings, tele-med appointments, behavioral health, and board meetings.

          • Anonymous

            That’s great. I love it when centers are able to use technology in varied ways. A real benefit in multiple arenas!

    • I have used GoToMeeting and Skype for first interviews.

      • Hi Denise. Have those tools been helpful for you? We would be interested in hearing your pros and cons to using them. Thank you for posting.

    • We have not but I would like to.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Maria! Are there any barriers to using these systems or is it just something you all haven’t done before?

        • Out IT department blocks the sites. We have done some upgrading so I am going to try it out next week.

          • Anonymous

            Great, Maria! I hope you find it to be of value during the interview process.

          • Hi Maria

            Please let us know how the trial goes. Video interviewing can save a lot of time and be a valuable tool.

    • We conduct phone interviews initially. For on-site interviews we sometime use Skype internally to allow participants from other sites to participate in the interview.

    • Yes, but not generally for provider interviews. Phone calls are more common (including use of conference call lines when including folks from multiple locations within the organization.

    • We have use Skype for first round interviews for applicants who are located afar. This helps with logistics of travel and time away from work!

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