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This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by Michelle Fernández Gabilondo.

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    • Hi Everyone. We are really struggling with hiring even the entry level positions. I put out the ad and I get maybe one applicant a week. What are some creative ways that you have used to recruit staff. I have been using social media, local papers, and

      • We use Indeed and Zip and I also post on LinkedIn and health agency websites such as the NHSC and Health Care News Site – link below:,1,FaZEQABplPZ5A2UO-a6fl3bdnpxyse246Bdt56o9HAKMddFqGHL1skS37b-iC1kX3SOzG_ircQTcmco5yGZwVe8GHr0wwtIWJkA_V6CpaKy9WydqIGjaXsXHCg,,&typo=1
        To be transparent, I was not successful anywhere; even Zip has been terrible. I did have success finding our Chief HR Officer on LinkedIn but have not had success with any other jobs.

      • Hi Elaine and Dorothy, this is such a good question. One site we recommend is It is specific to recruiting people looking for non-profit and mission-driven work. We will also have a session all about job announcements and writing job postings that capture the audience’s attention. One thing I do with all of our recruitment boot camps is offer the attends the opportunity to send me a sample of your job postings and I will provided detailed feedback on the language on some adjustments and tips to make to hopefully capture the attention of job seekers. Let me know if you would like me to do that for y’all and I would be happy to review it. You can reach me directly at my email

        We recommend really telling your health centers story in the job ad, detailing benefits, posting salary ranges (applicants now may not even look at a posting if it doesn’t include the salary range), talking about the patient population you work with, having a justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion statement, and highlighting how you support your workforce.

      • One other thing I wanted to mention was working with the associations of specific professions and then also going to organizations that are focus on diverse candidates and seeing if they have a job posting site. Alumni networks at schools or job sites at colleges and universities can be super helpful too. Our Building an Inclusive Organization Toolkit has some ideas for places to post when looking for diverse candidates.

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