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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by Michelle Fernández Gabilondo.

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    • Hi everyone! My name is Jammie Grant and I am excited to be participating with all of you. I think building this network of people who are all facing the same challenges in mental health recruitment will be wonderful! I am the manager of provider recruitment here at Penobscot Community Health Center in Bangor, Maine. I hope we can all stay in touch after bootcamp and I will definitely utilize the tools and resources here to help our growing program. Our FQHC has 17 practice sites and service locations and employs over 800 people. Some of our sites are remote – our service area covers a large geographic region with sites several hours apart in some cases. I think some of the tools and resources here will be a big help.

      One pipeline area we need to strengthen is in our local training programs. I am wondering how receptive your local training programs have been to having representatives from your organizations communicate with students about your opportunities? (outside of the standard career fairs and such).

      Thanks everyone.

      • Hi Jamie welcome to the learning collaborative and we are so excited to have you onboard! I think you bring up an excellent question and it would be great if you could also ask it during the Q&A part of our in-person session because I am sure that others in the cohort may have some great responses or advice. One of my former colleagues is from Bangor and worked for many years in health centers there, so it is great to have someone from Maine in the cohort. One idea that does come to mind, which you may have already done, it fully assessing all of the training programs offered in your area including students who are doing online/distance learning and then reaching out to those schools. Especially in mental health, you may be surprised by how many students are doing their degrees online from schools across the nation and all schools who may be looking for more community partnerships to give their students training opportunities.

    • Hi everyone! I sent this through an email, but also wanted to post it on the discussion board. As we move into session 3 which focuses on the use of advertising and social media in recruitment, I wanted to open up the opportunity for any of you to submit to us a copy of one of your job postings and we will review it and offer feedback. Because the breadth of knowledge you all bring, I would also like the opportunity to use parts of those postings – with your permission of course – as part of the content being put together for session 3’s presentation. Thank you so much for all of you who submitting a sample job posting. And please know, this is not a requirement just an extra option we wanted to offer. Thanks!

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