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This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by Anonymous.

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    • Anonymous

      This week’s assignment is to complete Tables 14 and 15: Provider Recruitment Priorities and Recruitment Budget. Be sure to read through all the useful background information on the sheet!

      Feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions when completing your assignment.

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    • As I read the staff cost line items on Table 15, it asked for an hourly rate for each line item. Did you mean for us to use that rate and multiply it times the number hours of involvement per each staff member to get a truer staff cost per site visit? My total for staff costs just included hourly rates so I didn’t quite understand the significance of that on its own.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Jocelyn! The intent for this table is to calculate the overall staff cost (salary and benefits) of all involved throughout the entire recruitment process, including the site visit. Estimate the number of hours each staff member will spend on the recruitment process, and multiply that with their hourly rate (salary + benefits) to get the total cost of staff time for recruitment.

    • I low balled some of the numbers for the hourly since we are working on streamlining the interview, onboarding, orientation, etc. processes at this time. Not sure of the total wage/benefits for everyone, but figured everyone that has a piece in any of this at 1 hour minimum. Hope I am looking in the right range- this is my first recruiting budget with this criteria.

      • Please let me know that my assignment uploaded. Thanks! Mary

        • Anonymous

          HI Mary, I did not see your assignment with your comment.

    • Let’s try this again.

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      • Anonymous

        Mary, it looks like you were very thorough job in completing these forms. Great job! It does look like there is a large variation in the total recruiting cost at the end of table 15. I would encourage you to lean towards the upper limit of your estimates so you all are not “surprised” should your total costs be closer to the upper end of your estimates.

    • This is a great tool. I am not going to have this assignment completed by tomorrow.

      • Anonymous

        Not a problem at all! We hope you will find it to be helpful when you are able to complete it.

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