Good morning,

Happy Wednesday!

I thought I would share my homework response as my computer does not have a camera and I always seem to have audio challenges.

While there is always room for improvement, I believe I posses the foundation for supporting the whole person. I am constantly re-evaluating myself and make improvement.

Intellectual – I am very logical and think big picture. I am respectful and well respected
Emotional – I lead by example, I offer sincere support, I am empathetic and I am trustworthy and easy to talk to
Physical – I am very mindful of body language, my own and others. When meeting with someone, i always provide my undivided attention (i.e. I let calls go to voice mail)
Intentional – I am authentic, consistent and inclusive. I do not single out individuals in publicly; I will privately if warranted, but in a constructive manner. I counsel vs. reprimand (even when terminating someone).

The 5 ways I support my team:

1) Regular Check-ins
2) Provide clear expectation
3) I a good communicator/ good listener
4) I have and practice an open-door policy
5) I encourage and motivate staff, especially during challenging times

What I would like to start doing:

1) Create a formal Training and Development Program
2) Expand our recognition program
3) Provide professional growth and development assistance

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