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This topic has 13 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by Gloria Warner.

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      • Anonymous

        Thanks, Regina! Is this something you all just haven’t considered or have decided against?

    • Yes, we have used Skype on multiple occasions now.

      • Rachny –

        Skype is very popular, I am glad you are using the technology to assist with interviewing.

    • Yes, we have used Zoom before.

      • Sarah –

        I am glad you are utilizing the virtual technology.

    • We have used Zoom, maybe once, but other than that we do not do any interviews using video.

      • Katrina –

        I am glad you have used Zoom, it really cuts down on the initial time to find out if the candidate is a good fit.

    • Generally, I’ve been doing a phone interview first, followed by Skype interview with the key members of the facility, with final interview on-site. Alaska is just really expensive to travel to…

      • Kristin – Yes, getting individuals to Alaska to interview is costly. I am glad you see the benefit of technology in doing pre-screening virtually.

    • While our practices are conveniently located in Greater New York area, our candidates rarely ask for video interviews as they also want to take the opportunity to see the actual work site and the people. Our hiring managers do not favor having video interviews because when technical issues arise, it will be hard to locate the IT team for assistance right away. Long story short, we generally stay away from video interviews. We do conduct phone interviews from time to time before inviting the candidate for an in-person interview.

    • We have used Skype a few times but only for candidates that live a long distance from our clinics and who do not have the capacity to fly or drive to the area. I often times conduct phone screens instead before bringing them in for an in-person interview.

    • We have not used any of those resources, but will consider. Generally initial phone call followed by onsite visit if warranted.

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